Project outcomes

REcube aims at inducing a deep behavioural change in Modern Concrete Heritage Reuse Practises resulting in new cultural value. Moreover, heritage-led regeneration has the capacity to transform European communities socially and economically while instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment: the holistic process of green building regeneration is set to produce a ripple effect at many levels of the economic, social and cultural life in Europe resulting in a deep, transformative impact. REcube supports flagships areas “renovate” and “power up” of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, driving the acquisition of new professional green knowledge sets and skills by an increasing number of new professionals in the construction and restoration sector. The REcube project will contribute to this regenerative transformation of the European built environment, architectural practises and related didactical approaches. This will be enabled and enhanced by a series of tangible outputs and project results:
- the REcube Academy platform, an open-source online platform hosting the learning material for the blended-learning teaching and the REcube massive open online courses (MOOC), becoming an aggregator of innovative digital educational content on sustainable regeneration of post-war architecture
- The REcube MOOC, divided into 10 different knowledge pillars to address the wider topic of sustainable regeneration of modern concrete architecture with a series of multidisciplinary foci at the crossover of Engineering & Architecture
- Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA), in Frontier & REgenerate Workshops
- Methodology for the Sustainable Implementation of the Conservation and Reuse of the Modern and Contemporary Concrete Architecture in the REcube Guidelines, published in a dedicated Fédération internationale du Béton (fib) bulletin in 2024. These will become the standard reference in the international field, thanks also to the endorsement of the fib.