Target groups
The REcube program addresses:
The academic staff of the participating institutions and organisations: REcube challenges their educational engagement and offers a unique development opportunity of their academic competences and professional growth, fostering trans-sectoral knowledge alliances and cross-national networking activities.
Learners participating in the teaching activity of the REcube cooperation partnership: The didactical content of the REcube project addresses Master’s programme students in Architecture and Engineering. Through the Frontier and REgenerate Workshops and the MOOC and Meet the Makers, the REcube learning programme delivers the technical knowledge and specific skills needed for the green and safe management and protection of Modern concrete heritage, contributing to the development and expansion of future professional competences. With the REcube Alumni network, learners will perpetuate the REcube experience and develop it into an enduring alliance of professional excellence.
European and international professionals in the construction and heritage renovation sector, including multifarious public and private stakeholders and decision makers involved in building renovation processes and modern heritage conservation. Addressed through the open source learning content and guidelines available on the REcube Digital Academy platform, the project answers the need to promote and enable green renovation of the existing Modern concrete building stock.